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What is Deadbeat?

Music media and distribution has gotten really boring, hard and confusing. We have more choice than ever with a constant race on serving the almighty algorithms.

So we decided to fix that by freezing time, making our team undead and looking at how we can make this all fun again. 

Think of Deadbeat is an imaginary cast of characters in the undead future who are tapping into reality to give you a place to enjoy, lose yourself and learn. It’s not a place to just celebrate the biggest current news in pop culture. It’s about taking the time for finding that new new. 

Find new artists. Discover new music. Learn how to be a better artist.  

So it's an undead radio and UHF station in the future?

That’s the right way to think of it. An undead radio and UHF station that is fighting the good to stay alive. 

It’s like an imaginary MTV. You’re going to get to make your own characters here too – so add to that a type of grown-up Club Penguin. 

Who is a Deadbeat?

Deadbeats are believers in themselves. They can’t help it. They keep going. Going against the odds, against what others tell them, against what the trends are. They believe in their creative passion, their art above all else. They must express themselves and do it centered in truth!

You are a Deadbeat if:

  1. Music is your lifeblood
  2. Dreaming never stops
  3. Action must happen on those dreams
  4. Creating just always happens
  5. Everyone tells you to do something else but you keep working
  6. Stopping to appreciate beauty and art is natural
  7. Perfecting the craft is a daily habit
  8. Discovering and lifting up others is a thing


We’ve got a number of Deadbeats you’ll get to know here already. Think of them like your VJs. DJ Tru, 4KPharoah, Chaz Nitely and others. 

What is the OC?

What a minute… you said Deadbeat is a fake world. That’s exactly right. In today’s world of what the hell is even truth, pushing everything into a world, and in our case, a city frozen in time, let’s us break down barriers. 

The O.C., or Old Columbus, is a city that was frozen in time when an apocalyptic event happened sometime after today. Nobody knows what caused it though there is plenty of speculation. See Chaz Nitely. 

Since we don’t know what year it actually is in our undead world, a lot of us just assume it’s 2069. Why not?

Now our city is alive. It runs on music. That is the industry and the essence that keeps it alive. Sounds like a place for you right?

If you need an analogy to get this through up to this point… Deadbeats are artists like you. The OC is a timeless place built on music, so it can be immortalized in here. Let’s keep going.

Who is Deadbeat for?

  • The world of Deadbeat is tight community built to celebrate music. 
  • The act of creating it.
  • The act of performing it.
  • The act of enjoying it.
  • The act of remember moments from it.
  • Becoming better at all of these things.
  • Finding others that are doing the same and helping each other.

IF you fit into that, then you might dig this. 

How about this… Deadbeat is NOT for:

  • Getting the latest on big artists and mainstream music
  •  Talking about what everyone else is talking about
  • Throwing shade… we’re dead, don’t need that
  • Being serious (about life) – it’s an imaginary world remember?


What are Deadbeat Drops?

Dudes. Thought you’d never ask! 

Deadbeat Drops are physical merch drops that are connected digital experiences. 

Drop Type 1:

Celebrating classic moments and artists from the past. Like concerts that went haywire and made the news or artists that made a mark in time (some of which would be unrecognized until now)

Drop Type 2:

New artist drops. Bringing you into the undead to celebrate what you’ve done and memorializing it into the OC. 

Drops can include fan journey offerings. Want to know more about that? You should… ask us.